VA - Smash 64 (2016)
Genre: Nintendocore / Metalcore / Electronic / Experimental
Quality: MP3, 320 kbps
1. She Wants the D-Pad - Hookshot Lobotomy (Link) (feat. Unicorn Hole) 2. Got Item! - Far From Super Happy (Yoshi) 3. Shane Mychal Sexton - Fox McCloud 4. A Challenger Approaches - Red-Capped Arsonist (Mario) 5. Shotgun Guy - I Choose You (Pikachu) 6. SWIMlovesyou - Donkeys and Kongs (DK) 7. Starcutter - Dreamland Symphony (Kirby) (feat. Are You Afraid of the Dog) 8. Proto Buster - Bounty Hunter Beatdown (Samus) 9. Unicorn Hole - Jigglypuff Hijinx (N-Core Prodz remix) 10. Muffin & Cupcake - 1-UP You (Luigi) 11. Falcon Pawnch - Captain Falcon (feat. Unicorn Hole) 12. Aloysius Minch - The Boy And His Bat (Ness) 13. Polygon Horizon - Fighting Polygon Team (feat. Dustin E) 14. Unicorn Hole - Master Hand (feat. ZOMBIESHARK!)
 8 316
 August 22, 2016
8 years 6 months ago